Carer World notes

 Health Care courses - University of Worcester - UoW    

Postgraduate courses and seminars etc     

Undergraduate courses here    If the logo there isn't OK, perhaps the header graphic above is. One showing action might be better.

The Association for Dementia Studies here


The Impact of our Research (Institute of Health and Society) here.

From which   Applied Professional Studies

In which       Dr Brian Nyatanga 

                        Senior Lecturer, Applied Professional Studies

University Hosts Palliative Care Conference

From which -     Brian is the module leader for the Institute of Health and Society’s Masters Level Palliative Care modules .

Centre for Palliative Care  

The Centre for Palliative Care engages in research across the whole are of end of life care, including: survivorship; complementary therapies; patient choices; burnout; workforce development; compassionate communities; service users and carer support; quality of life & quality of care in different settings; dignity in dying; loss & bereavement; communication skills; emotional care; leadership; emotional intelligence and self-worth; society and choices in death and dying. 

more here

The core team here.   

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Education and Training Consortium here

West Midlands South Workforce Development Confederation here

Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University ‘Innovations in Governance’ module here.  related

Professional Development Workshops & Conferences Calendar here

Centre for Palliative Care research seminar series 2014 here


20 February 2014Centre for Palliative Care Research Lecture Series
Dignity at the end of life

Prof Wilf McSherry here  Google   job  pubs  
Dignity at the end of life

McSherry W (2010) Dignity in care: meanings, myths and the reality of making it work in practice. Nursing Times, 106 (40), 20-23. here

European Journal of Palliative Care here

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee  East Sussex in late 2013. 

The Committee is recommended to request that the Health Overview and Scrutiny

Committee considers progress with improving end of life care in East Sussex in late 2013. 

The national End of Life Care Strategy (2008) was one of the first of its kind in the world. 

It aims to bring about improvement in access to high quality care for all adults approaching the 

end of their life. The strategy has a whole systems approach, with a pathway involving the 

following steps:   page 2 here    No mention of dignity.  Respect only used "in this respect" context.  10 pp of 142

 7 May 2014Centre for Palliative Care Research Lecture Series
Making sense of resilience in palliative care
Please contact: or call: 01905 85 5147 for bookings and further information

3 July 2014Centre for Palliative Care Research Lecture Series
Involving Bereaved Relatives in End of Life Research: the Participants' Voice and Complimentary therapies and patient well-being



Scholarly articles for palliative care in hospice

Hospice and palliative care - ‎Saunders - Cited by 101

National Council for Palliative Care

Dying Matters launches dementia leaflet here


Advancing Practice MSc

This interdisciplinary course develops a critical appreciation of health and social care within a contemporary, social, political, economic and cultural context.

Modules include Advanced Adult Health Assessment and Leading and Managing people. The course is modular and as such can be studied either full or part-time. It will appeal if you are providing or interested in care and health in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors.

The course will develop your critical thinking and evaluative skills. The flexible postgraduate modular scheme means you can study at your own pace, and there are opportunities to design a personally focused course to meet individual needs and interests.

The course will enable you to get involved in debate and share ideas with other students from a range of different backgrounds and perspectives within the health, social care and welfare sector.

Social Work MA

The course dynamically integrates theory and practice embracing both learning in the classroom and in placement settings. The course provides a generic learning opportunity encompassing all service user groups and every effort is made to involve service users, carers, practitioners and managers from across the social work arena in the learning experience.

While the course works to the UK points of reference including the QUA benchmarks the requirements of the HCPC andThe College of Social Work (TCSW) , the course team also embrace the International Federation of Social Work’s definition:

“The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being.   Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work.”

MBA in Executive Leadership & Management (Health and Social Care)    bite-size packages of learning

This course, and the associated PG Certificate in Leadership & Management (Health and Social Care), and PG Diploma in Leadership & Management (Health and Social Care) is taught and assessed with colleagues from the University’s partner, Business Development Consultancy, a Birmingham-based consultancy specialising in support services for health and social care organisations. It is available as an open programme (taught at both the University in Worcester, and Birmingham) to which individuals are invited to apply, and also as a corporate offer to clients looking to develop groups of middle and senior personnel within an organisation. In the case of Corporate programmes, the programme can be delivered flexibly, both in terms of delivery model and composition, and at a venue negotiated with the organisation.

The programme is mapped against the National Occupational Standards in Management and LeadershipNHS Leadership Framework, and 11 behaviours of the Institute of Healthcare Management’s Accredited Manager Status. The course also mirrors the new Level 7 QCF qualifications in Commissioning, Procurement and Contracting for Care Services.

Year 1: 

• Emerging Issues in Leading and Managing Health and Social Care (nothing via search box)
• Leadership Concepts 
• Operational Strategy 
• Attracting, recruiting & retaining talent 
• Finance for non-financial managers

Year 2 : 
• Research Methods 
• Coaching & Mentoring 
• Corporate Strategy: Planning to Win 
• Leading and Managing Change 
• Ethics and Corporate Governance

Year 3: 
The course will conclude with a Dissertation, involving a detailed investigation of a key issue affecting your organisation, in agreement with your supervisor.


pagetop here       for pasting           Postgraduate Health Care courses and seminars etc   - University of Worcester - here  

                                                Health Care Undergraduate courses - University of Worcester -  here

                                                The Association for Dementia Studies - University of Worcester here