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Applied Health and Social Science BA (Hons) Subject to validation
During this course there will be opportunity to acquire a wide variety of generic skills and knowledge essential for this broadening arena. Underpinned by health and social sciences, you will also form a specialist focus that best enhances your personal interests in areas such as health and wellbeing, supporting families, policy analysis or social action and change.
Contested Perspectives in Health and Social Science
Your Rights, My Rights and the Legislative Framework
Theorising the Family
Conceptualising Health
Work Based Learning Work based learning is consistent with relevant National Occupational Standards. With parents here source
Child & Adolescent Mental Health FdSc
This course is suitable for anyone working or wanting to work to improve the mental health and psychological well-being of children, young people and families, and to work with them and in a range of environments including education, health and children’s social care settings.
The course develops knowledge and skills that employers are looking for across the spectrum of child and adolescent mental health. It is a recognised qualification in its own right, contributing to personal and career development, and has been developed with local and regional employers.
Year One
- An Integrated Approach to Safeguarding Children & Young People
- Mental Health Promotion Strategies with Children, Young People & Families
- Child & Adolescent Development
- Mental Health & Interventions with Children, Young People & Families
- Applied Research & Evidence Based Practice
- Working with Vulnerable groups
- Group Work with Children, Young People & Families
- Individual Project (200 hours work placement)
Dementia studies foundation degree
Supporting people to live well with dementia can be challenging but also hugely rewarding and varied. From September 2014 we offer the opportunity to study a new Foundation Degree in Dementia Studies. This will enable students to enhance their skills, knowledge and value base, their professional development and employability in this area.
It will appeal to people delivering care within hospitals, the community and domiciliary settings, day care, residential care (including nursing homes), and those employed in support, advocacy and advice provision. It will also be attractive to leaders and managers in these fields.
The Degree will equip you with the knowledge and practical skills to support people with dementia and their families, to maximise choice and control in their lives, and to strengthen a sense of belonging and being valued. You will gain an excellent understanding of how services are organised and run, and be able to contribute to improving service quality.
Health Sciences BSc (Hons) Top-up Degree
This programme will appeal to nurses, paramedics, dental practitioners and foundation degree students who would like to top-up their existing health qualifications to Level 6 to achieve an Honours degree. The pathway has been designed to promote professionalism in practice and to enable students to tailor their programme of study to their own area of practice.
The course runs throughout the academic year with modules running in semester 1 and semester 2. Throughout the curriculum there is a strong emphasis on professionalism, clinical governance and leadership skills for practice development. This allows all practitioners to review and critique areas that they work in and develop skills for enhanced practice which they can disseminate.
The programme is mapped to the Knowledge and Skills Framework which meets the requirements for NHS careers. Undertaking the top-up degree programme is also an opportunity for health care professionals to achieve the academic credits and experience to further promote their careers with further options to study at Masters level in the future.
The course is suitable for anyone working or wanting to work with individuals, families and groups in a range of health and social care settings, including working with children or young people, vulnerable adults, older people, individuals with disabilities or chronic disease and people with mental health problems.
It is a recognised qualification in its own right, contributing to personal and career development and has been developed with the support of local employers. This course has a strong vocational focus and prepares you for work in the health and social care sectors, both statutory and non-statutory.
The taught component of the course will be delivered one day a week across two semesters over two years.
Improving Dementia Practice Short Course
This two and a half day course is aimed at improving dementia practice for carers who look after people with dementia in all care settings. This course runs over a five month period, and is aimed at helping you to care for people with dementia in a person-centred way. The programme is divided into four sections;
Introduction to dementia
Person-centred care
Communication and approaches to promote well-being
End of life care
It is our ultimate goal to design and deliver accredited courses at a range of levels to meet the needs of the workforce and thus equip them to develop specialist practice with people with dementia and their families and carers.
Integrated Children's Services FdA
The degree makes a significant contribution to the professional understanding and necessary collaboration and communication between the wide range of professional services which work with children and their families. It is intended to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills of those involved or interested in inter-agency and interdisciplinary work. It also contributes to the requirement to develop career pathways, built on clearer relationships between qualifications that enable staff to progress within and across different sectors.
Year 1
Introduction to Study Skills
Reflective Journal
Safeguarding & Well-being of Children & Young People
An Introduction to Communication & Management in Integrated Children’s Services
Introduction to the Development of Children & Young People (0-19 years)
Understanding Motivation & Behaviour in Children & Young People
Work-Based Project (double module)
Year 2
Reflective Journal
Developing Collaboration in Integrated Children’s Services (double module)
Social & Emotional Development of Children & Young People (0-19 years) (double module)
Working with Vulnerable Children & Young People
Work-Based Independent Study (double module)
Integrated Working with Children & Families BA (Hons) Top-up Degree
The provision of this course on a full-time or part time basis (including options to study in the evening from 2013) means that you will receive an integrated and holistic approach to the subject, which encourages different perspectives and respect for children, families and other professional roles.
The course content and structure have been developed to reflect a student-centred approach, enabling students from diverse but relevant educational and professional backgrounds to build on previous learning and experience in Early Childhood and working with children and families. Reflective thinking and action are essential to your engagement with lifelong learning and professional development. The subject draws on different disciplines and professional backgrounds to reflect the complexity of children’s lives and their development. You will be supported in the development of a personal philosophy of professional values and continuous improvement to your practice and service provision for children and their families.
You have the opportunity to select modules that relate to your future career plans and aspirations. This is in addition to choosing optional modules from the Early Childhood Professional Practice degree more. The Top Up degree can provide an academic route to acquiring Early Years Teacher here Status.
National Award SENCo (NASC) PG Cert Education (Special Educational Needs Coordination Google
MEDD4049 extends your understanding of the SENCo role. This module provides you with and understanding of, and an engagement with, the complexity of current policy, legal and professional contexts. It provides you with the professional capacity to identify, assess and provide for children with special educational needs within your setting.
MEDD4050 focuses on the development of effective partnerships to meet the needs of children and their families. The module helps you to identify and use knowledge, skills and values required to communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders. There is also a strong focus on accessing and using the voice of the learner.
MEDD4051 investigates how best to use your professional SENCo role to lead and manage change in the current fast changing climate. You will be provided with skills to identify and prioritise change agendas and to critically evaluate their impacts. The module highlights how data can be gathered, interpreted and used collaboratively to drive positive change for children and young people with special educational needs.
The assessment process prepares participants to meet the TA (Teaching Agency) Learning Outcomes. The assessment items promote critical discussions of your current professional practice. Assessments are supported with reference to a portfolio of evidence which illustrates how your practice is informed by reflection and the application of research pertaining to special educational needs. Assessment for each module consists of a 3,000 word essay, or its equivalent.
Professional Development for Health Sciences (CPD)
The Professional Development for Health Sciences (PDHS) programme at the University of Worcester offers healthcare practitioners opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills in fields as diverse as dementia care more , palliative care more, contraception and sexual health, independent and supplementary prescribing, mentorship, health assessment, diabetes, leg ulcer management, tissue viability, and nutrition.
Developed by Professor Dawn Brooker and her team at the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester, (on the Uni site here) this course will equip you with the knowledge, leadership skills and understanding of dementia to enable you to support your colleagues in embedding person--centred dementia care within your workplace.
Download the Dementia Leadership Programme Leaflet [PDF]
Social Welfare BA (Hons) Top-up Degree
A student-focused approach promotes the development of essential sector skills such as communication, reflection, research, professional reflexivity, and further engagement with the value base of social work and social care.
Politics, Policy & Welfare
Professional Judgement & Decision-Making
Applied Research
Interventions in Social Welfare
Substance Use & Misuse
Families, Myths, the State & Welfare
Children’s Rights
Criminal Justice & Social Welfare
User Involvement in Health & Welfare
Citizenship & Personalisation
Housing & Homelessness
Counselling Theory & Practice
Leading & Managing in Health & Social Care
Independent Study
Specialist Practice in Dementia (Early Intervention) Action Learning Set
The importance of early diagnosis and intervention in dementia has been identified as a priority within the National Dementia Strategy . There is clear evidence that early diagnosis and support improves outcomes for people with dementia, their families and their carers, delays institutionalisation and reduces acute hospital admission. By intervening early in the illness and before cognitive deficits affect mental capacity, the approach aims to maximise choice and autonomy, helping the person and their family adapt to the illness and make plans for the future. This course is designed for health and social care staff who want to develop their knowledge in this area in order to support them to provide a quality service for people early in the experience of their dementia and their families and carers. The programme will equip staff with relevant knowledge in order that they can utilise an evidence-based, reflective approach to:
Deliver a competent, specialist assessment across the range of people suspected of having dementia presenting to their services
Sensitively communicate the results of assessment to the person with dementia and their family and carers
Offer interventions following diagnosis for the person with dementia and their families and carers
The course will comprise 8 full day sessions based on the above outcomes, which will include time for reflection.
Specialist Practice in Dementia (Leadership) Action Learning Set
The importance of leadership has been identified as crucial to providing excellence in dementia care and yet this is not a skill that has been traditionally identified in the field. A number of Local Authorities and care home providers have approached The Association for Dementia Studies to provide an education programme to support the development of best practice in dementia care.
The course text for this action learning set is Person-Centred Dementia Care: Making Services Better written by Professor Dawn Brooker, the director of ADS here. In this book Dawn describes in clear terms the practice of the VIPS model of person centred care that Values people, provides Individualised care, looks at services from the Perspective of the person living with dementia and that provides the supportive Social-psychological support to compensate for the disability of cognitive loss. more
Specialist Practice in Dementia (Mental Health) Action Learning Set
Specialist mental health services aim to maximise the independence and quality of life of a growing number of older people by promoting mental and physical health, reducing the prevalence of treatable mental illness, and alleviating the detrimental impact of progressive mental illness on the lives of older people and their families and carers.
The National Dementia Strategy for England and The West Midlands Darzi Pathway have emphasised the need for specialist mental health services to be providing effective assessment and interventions for people affected by dementia and their families and carers, through an informed and effective workforce. This workforce is expected to be able to appropriately address the increasing needs of people affected by dementia and their families at critical points in their journey, including early and timely assessment and intervention, the effective assessment and management of distressed behaviour and end of life care.
This course is designed to address the knowledge development needs in this area in order to support the workforce to provide a quality service for people early in the experience of their dementia and their families and carers. The course will comprise 6 full day sessions, which will include time for reflection.
Specialist Practice in Dementia (Person-Centred Care) Action Learning Set
In-depth expertise is required for staff who work with individuals with complex needs on a day-in day-out basis. Whilst some of that expertise can be acquired by having support from local CMHT’s input, our research showed that there was real benefit to developing that expertise in house. Having a member of the staff team who really understands the complexities of individualised assessment, care planning and activities, who can demonstrate this to the rest of the staff team and who is able to work with the health and social care agencies in a confident manner makes a real difference to people’s lives. This course is suitable for staff who are able to take on responsibility for leading individualised care within their home or housing scheme. It is a step-up from care work that many staff are ready for. Within an average sized home or scheme we would recommend that at least 2 members of staff receive this training.
Supporting Excellence in Dementia Care in Acute and Community Hospitals and Community Health Teams
The National Dementia Strategy and more recently the Health Service Ombudsman has highlighted that patients with a dementia diagnosis in acute hospitals are at particular risk of poor quality care more and that this needs to be addressed. There have been several recent publications which set out the needs of those with dementia more and some core services which need to be in place to respond more effectively to the needs of those with dementia. This course is designed for health and social care staff who are qualified and registered Health Care Professional working in an acute care workplace and want/need to develop their knowledge in order to provide a quality service for people with dementia and their families and carers. Further information is attached.
See the links on the page.
The Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) is the coming together of hundreds of organisations to deliver the National Dementia Declaration; a common set of seven outcomes informed by people with dementia and their family carers. The Declaration provides an ambitious and achievable vision of how people with dementia and their families can be supported by society to live well with the condition. source here more
National Occupational Standards for Work with Parents here
pagetop here
for pasting or onwards Health Care Undergraduate courses - University of Worcester - here
Postgraduate Health Care courses and seminars etc - University of Worcester - here
The Association for Dementia Studies - University of Worcester here
Dementia Home page on this website here