Your questions and comments join the lone voice Home page here
This page collects opinion and comment for or against the motion that there should not be a university for Hereford. As the reply to the published letters here indicates. the lone voice below calls for A New University for Hereford to respond via the Hereford Journal.
1 Questions
3 Format of replies
1 Questions
1 Why are there so many, mainly long pages? written by the author to start the ball rolling
1 Answer
1.1 >30/1
There are over thirty, mainly academic people associated with A New University for Hereford here. 25 4 2014
There's presently one lone Internet voice. It's necessary to give them plenty to work with.
1.2 >30/3
There are, however, two published voices here.
Increase that /3 number via No.2.
It is not conditional that you are against the motion.

Perhaps the fraction can be improved. Another voice complaining about academe might be recruited.
Letter in Hereford Journal 23 April p 7
Conclusion is obvious WHERE has all common sense gone? A new study by academics at the London School of Economics claims that wind farms can reduce property prices within a 2km radius of the structures by up to 12 per cent. It also says that the structures may have a negative impact on houses , up to 14 km away! Well bless my cotton socks, now who would have thought that? I guess the age of common sense has well and truly ended when it requires an academic study to determine the blindingly obvious. DAVE HASKELL via email . If so, then there will be four voices. In the meantime, there are 3.5 voices: |

1.3 185535/3
There are 14,000 British professors here and add, say, twelve times that number of academics who aren't. They won't deny that another university is wanted. Door-step sociology. (I'm in similar stats re Switzerland,1992.)
14000 x 12
182000 A useful statistic (if true) which helps see the ratio of profs to others.
The Higher Education Statistics Agency gives us a total of 185535.
Staff in UK Higher Education 2010/11 -
17,465 academic staff had contracts conferring the title of ‘Professor' here i e c 10%
Increase that /3 number via No. 2
Clearly, public support is needed to balance the equation. Via No. 2
Letters for publication via
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Plenty of room here via here. Letters for publication via
3 Format of replies
Please use your name, town etc when sending letters for publication as shown on the Letter pages of the Journal.
If you would like your questions and comments addressed to me to be published on this page or elsewhere in this series of pages, your name or pen name will be used only with your permission.
Alan F Harrison (Prof, ret'd)
pagetop here for pasting Your questions and comments Contact here.