B N publications I can read
Is there room at the Inn: palliative care for homeless people. BJCN. Vol 17(10), October 2012 here
2008: Why is it so difficult to die? 2nd edition - via St Richard's Hospice library
Is fear of death itself a rational preoccupation? worc.ac.uk [PDF]
On loan from the Hive for non-B N reading - Researching Palliative Care - Field D et al Amazon Google
I hope to read much of what is seen here and these on line but there are difficulties:
2009: Nyatanga, B. When last offices are more than a white sheet. Comment. British Journal of Nursing 18(17)
2012: Nyatanga, B. Communicating with dying patients: a time to listen more than talk. BJCN. Vol. 17(8) August 2012
2012: Nyatanga, B. In search of alternative ways of dying. Editorial. IJPN Vol. 18(7). July 2012
2012: Nyatanga, B. Inside the mind of a relative at the end of life. BJCN. 17(7). 28th June 2012
pagetop here for pasting BN publications I can read here
Updates to the 7 April email re priorities. here