This page updates the 7 April email re priorities.
Email to B N, 17 March 2014 updated 7 April here
Thanks again for the opportunity to look at palliative care on Wednesday.
There are related matters I hope we'll find time for and perhaps the time can be spread over:
- Publicity for unpaid carers attending the seminars
- Your publications
- Carees with special needs - song and music therapy
- Health care course abstracts on this website
- How do unpaid carers acquire their skills and knowledge?
These topics are outlined with a view to
deciding which are relevant in the short term. I hope to focus
on 2, 3 and 5.
You may have seen a page on my website
Within that page is a link to BN publications I can read here and perhaps you could direct me to specific reading useful on Weds.
See you soon. I will have just finished a song session at St Richards. Looking forward to hearing your reaction to the idea that your students might pilot a project.
If the available time were halved, the priorities are:
1 Publicity for unpaid carers attending the seminars
We can leave the topic until later unless you want to proceed
2 Your publications
pointers as to which to read. See here.
3 Carees with special needs - song and music therapy
Rather than look at more than several pages, could we focus on the case for its study here?
4 Health care course abstracts on this website
Perhaps there is a member of staff who decides before needing to talk to
- Dr Jan Quallington
Head of Institute of Health and Society
The abstracts serve to help me find a short course to attend. What is the procedure?
They are at No. 4 here.
5 How do unpaid carers acquire their skills and
- Prelim searches indicate that little has been done on the topic
- Is it prominent in any of the courses?
- If not, I hope to be involved in a project which answers the question.