The more the merrier
Some web pages are but a snapshot of what authors could produce at the time and within time availability.
Attending carer support group meetings etc may result in records of meetings being sent out after the immediacy effect has been lost. It's therefore worthwhile reviewing one's notes soon after.
At other times, reading a web page raises the thought of making comment etc. Do it.
Readers are invited to send in their contributions, comments, requests and questions via here. If you want to be identified please state your internet-use-approved name or pseudonym.
The advantages of seeing your contribution soon after the event include meeting organisers seeing it. They can react accordingly when they send out minutes etc.
The Internet allows for everyone to arrive at their own interpretation of the same search.
Other readers add to the medley on the main carer world website and we make music.
Some web pages are but a snapshot of what authors could produce at the time and within time availability. My Wife dependency on wheelchair increased markedly in 2005
Younger daughter with chronic ailments started a series of major operations. Have been a secondary carer to her since. more at 6 here
pagetop here for pasting The more the merrier here