Carer World - extracts & notes

Care home staff praised by fire chief    Hereford Journal April 26, 2013

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Staff at a Ross-on-Wye care home have been praised for their actions following a fire in a resident’s bedroom last Tuesday.

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service was called to Lawfords House residential care home in Walford Road at 4.01am and two fire crews from Ross-on-Wye fire station initially attended.

On arrival, fire crews were faced with a fire in a first floor bedroom and staff in the process of evacuating the elderly residents.

Station Commander Neil Lilwall said: “A member of staff at the care home was alerted to the fire by a smoke detector and she found a small fire in a first floor bedroom which she tackled using foam extinguishers. She also evacuated the elderly resident from the bedroom and raised the alarm.”


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